作者: alex2426chen (燒他全家 打他媽媽) 看板: MLB
標題: [外電] Hal Steinbrenner : 我們沒有要賣球隊
時間: Thu May 24 23:25:42 2012


Hal Steinbrenner: 'Yankees are not for sale'

NEW YORK -- Yankees managing general partner Hal Steinbrenner said on
Thursday that his family has no intention of selling the storied franchise,
responding to a published report in the New York Daily News.

"I just learned of the Daily News story. It is pure fiction," Steinbrenner
said in a statement. "The Yankees are not for sale. I expect that the Yankees
will be in my family for many years to come."

The Daily News reported on Thursday that rumors are circulating in Major
League Baseball and New York banking circles that Steinbrenner's family is
exploring the possibility of selling the franchise.

Yankees president Randy Levine denied the suggestion to the Daily News,
telling the newspaper, "I can say to you there is absolutely, positively
nothing to this. The Steinbrenners are not selling the team."

The newspaper cited sources speaking on the condition of anonymity that the
April sale of the Los Angeles Dodgers for a record price of $2.175 billion
would suggest that it is a good time for the Steinbrenners to sell the

At no time have the Steinbrenners made public statements that would convey a
willingness to part with the franchise, which was purchased by a group headed
by George M. Steinbrenner in 1973 for the price of $8.8 million.

Hal Steinbrenner has said, however, that the Yankees hope to decrease their
payroll below $189 million for the 2014 season to take advantage of benefits
provided by MLB's Collective Bargaining Agreement, avoiding an escalating
luxury tax.

Under George Steinbrenner's leadership, the Yankees posted a Major
League-best .566 winning percentage (3,364-2,583-3 record) while winning 11
American League pennants and seven World Series championships (the most in
the Majors). He passed away in July 2010 at the age of 80.

More responsibilities of day-to-day operations had been issued to Hal
Steinbrenner and Hank Steinbrenner, the team's general partner and
co-chairperson, as George Steinbrenner receded into the backdrop, famously
saying that it was "time to let the young elephants into the tent."

Steinbrenner's daughters, Jennifer Steinbrenner Swindal and Jessica
Steinbrenner, also continue to be heavily involved on a day-to-day basis
between New York and the Tampa, Fla., facility that was renamed for George
Steinbrenner in 2008.

"I realize it's a great responsibility," Hal Steinbrenner has said. "Needless
to say, my dad is a tough act to follow."


洋基小老闆 Hal Steinbrenner 出來闢謠說 我們並無打算出售洋基隊

會出來消毒的原因是 上周四每日新聞報揭露說 洋基跟紐約銀行團洽詢銷售的可能性

洋基總裁 Randy Levine 也出來否定消息的來源 他說那只是空穴來風而已

George Steinbrenner 在 1973 年以當時市值 8.8 M 買下了洋基隊

並且在這段時間裡寫下了 3364-2583-3 .566 的勝率 拿下 11 次美聯冠軍

以及 7 次世界大賽冠軍 George Steinbrenner 在 2010 年 7 月以 80 高齡辭世

根據匿名人士說 看到今年四月初躲人以 21.75 億美金的價格賣出

認為說現階段是洋基隊販售球隊的好時機 以洋基這塊招牌可以賣出高價

洋基隊現階段目標是想把團隊薪資降到 189 M 以便在 2014 年新版勞資協議中

可以得到優惠 並且避免掉年年都繳的豪華稅

這真的賣的話 那價格肯定飛天了吧 ......

有一次記者問洋基傳奇球星狄馬喬(Joseph Paul DiMaggio)︰
「Mr. DiMaggio,你在大聯盟打了無數場比賽,為什麼每一場比賽都還要像菜鳥一般拚命

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
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