作者: abc12812 () 看板: MLB
標題: 水手對Chone Figgins不離不棄
時間: Sat May 26 09:55:00 2012


As for Figgins, Wedge said releasing him hasn't even been considered by the


"Not right now,'' Wedge said. "Right now, that's not even an option for us.
With Chone, as you all know -- we were very open with you (media) guys about
that -- we wanted to give him every opportunity to get back on track. We feel
like we did that, leading him off, switching his role a little bit, and it
didn't work out.


"So now, he's a utility player and a super utility player at that. He gives
us protection. We'll play him when we need him. We'll use him how we see fit
to help us win ballgames and go from there. You knew that that was the next
option if it didn't work out. And that's where we are right now.''


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◆ From:
o0991758566:"工具人"... 05/26 09:56
dp44:4年36M 當然不離不棄XD 05/26 09:57
YU0987:Just an out表示:我可以回LA嗎?(淚~~~~~Q_Q 05/26 09:57
kuaiphoto:水手對他真的是真愛啊~ 05/26 09:57
kazumi66:丟掉也沒人要吧= = 05/26 09:58
Atropos0723:還有兩年18M 你說這該怎麼棄 05/26 10:00
badblue:「足夠的機會」? 05/26 10:01
mott:這幾年給他的機會還不夠多嗎 只是很難丟 05/26 10:02
aaps:"超級"主要指的是薪水吧 05/26 10:03
Atropos0723:我相信Z應該打過無數次電話試著賣掉Figgins 05/26 10:04
o0991758566:當初說好跟一朗組成的雙箭頭呢? 05/26 10:06
YU0987:我覺得Just An Out最強的是,把一朗由火星帶回地球 05/26 10:09
Gilbertsky:打者到水手鳥掉的多 所以我對Russell Branyan印象深刻 05/26 10:24
ronald000:對右打影響比較多,左打還好吧 05/26 10:32
candy3333:這是什麼標題? 05/26 10:42
masao0103:沒人要,要怎?棄@@" 05/26 10:45
Pennyjr:9M丟水中,都比丟他有用 05/26 11:34
jshuang:有人要 我相信 GM 半夜三點都會爬起來接電話 05/26 11:34
EEERRIICC:有種離開水手後會打出3成40盜的感覺 05/26 11:41
chenghow:就是賣不掉才說不離不棄!一上場就an out誰會想要 05/26 12:16

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